

Providing Virtual Counseling in Florida

(954) 336-8959



As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Amanda specializes in helping individuals build the positive skills they need to achieve and maintain healthy relationships.  She conducts couples and family therapy to improve emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, communication skills and boundary setting.  As a certified clinical trauma professional, Amanda specializes in processing and healing from trauma, anxiety disorders, depression and managing life transitions and challenges.  By using strength based and solution focused strategies, Amanda works with her clients to establish higher levels of confidence and skills to build successful and fulfilling lives.



Amanda offers coaching in the areas of career issues or stagnation, parenting, business ownership, relationship development and maintenance, life challenges and desire for growth.  Coaching sessions are available to anyone struggling with an issue that wants to grow and learn the necessary skills to alleviate the issue and succeed in life.  She provides positive support and encouragement, while challenging negative or false thinking patterns, poor habits and motivation issues.  Together you will learn how to challenge your thinking, establish healthy habits and boundaries and turn motivation into dedication.


As a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Social-Emotional Learning Specialist in Educational Settings, Department of Children's and Families Certified Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Trainer and with an extensive background in program development and implementation,  Amanda offers training and/or consulting to individuals or organizations in the following areas:

(Training can  be online or in person)

  • Trauma Informed Care- Educational or Residential Settings, Organizational Response to Trauma in Employees
  • Crisis Response Training
  • Board of Directors Development and Active Engagement
  • Managerial Skills
  • Staff Development
  • Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
  • Human Trafficking Awareness
  • CSEC Program Development


Our Location

Providing Virtual Counseling in Florida